total bacterial count

Onyryc onyryc at free.fr
Sun Apr 2 15:14:59 EST 2000

- Onyryc -
onyryc at free.fr
ICQ : 33104110

"Abdulhakim M. Abdi" <mohdabdi at emirates.net.ae> a écrit dans le message
news: 38E5FE33.E4A2085E at emirates.net.ae...
> Can anyone tell me how do you calculate the Total Bacterial Count:
> 1. If you have a plate count of between 30-300 colonies?

Concentration = n x f / E

n = number of UFC on your plate
f = dilution factor (i.e. 10+3) = inversory of 1/1000
E = inoculating volume (in mL)

=> Concentration = UFC/mL in your undiluted suspension

> 2. If a plate count is less than 10 colonies per square centimeter?

??? I don't know, use a filtration method, or use a larger volume of

> 3. If a plate count has more than 10 colonies per square centimeter?

Dilute your bacterial supsension

Excuse me for the language, but I'm french.

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