Ph.D. Microbiologist Job Posting - California

Fraspharm fraspharm at aol.com
Sat Apr 1 12:04:10 EST 2000

Top tier pharmaceutical company seeks a Ph.D. microbiologist(s) to work as a
Scientific Liaison. Opportunity to utilize your scientific knowledge in a
commercial environment - developing and marketing pharmaceutical products.

Entry level position with growth opportunities to Product or Sales Management,
New Business Development, Licensing or other senior management positions.

Excellent base salary, bonus, 401K, medical, dental, tuition reimbursement,
company car etc.  Please forward your resume in confidence to Dr. Fraser - 
e-mail - fraspharm at aol.com, fax 801-650-9108.  Phone (830) 336-4410 or 4275.
Please forward this message to a colleague who may be interested.

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