
albican at my-deja.com albican at my-deja.com
Wed Sep 29 06:01:07 EST 1999

In article <itfI3.93$Ts5.3312049 at news1.van.metronet.ca>,
  "Anson Li" <ansonli at infoserve.net> wrote:
> I'm doing a quick biochemical test for a suspected Salmonella sp. with
> a Phenol Red Sucrose broth.  The manufacturers suggest that these
> broths be placed in a boiling water bath and cooled if they are not
> utilized in the same day that they were sterilized.  What's the
> My reasoning would be...that autoclaving should have gotten rid
> of all bacterial components.  Is the heating and cooling just another
> precautionary measure?

I am not possitive, but heating to boiling then cooling in a water bath
"reduces" the media.  The same thing is recommended when using
Thioglycollate media.

Biologist masquerading as a Microbiologist

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