Current Microbiology Methods?

michael kahn kahn at wsu.edu
Mon Sep 27 17:43:05 EST 1999

Principles of Gene Manipulation : An Introduction to Genetic
                           Engineering (Studies in Microbiology) 
                           by R. W. Old, S. B. Primrose 

> In article <37E8141F.D18B7C44 at yahoo.com>, Ken Wifrod <kwf000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > So my question is: Does anybody know any microbiology/molecular biology
> > books which go deeply into the details of recombinant DNA technology and
> > DNA analysis, and which are concrete enough to enable you to suggest a
> > cloning method and the appropriate "tools" after having read the
> > book(s)? Or how did you get into this complex matter?

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