Need to Find Article, Can you help?

David Lloyd-Jones icomm5 at netcom.ca
Thu Sep 23 01:43:53 EST 1999

John Scott Meschke <Scott_Meschke at unc.edu> wrote

>         I have requested the following article from our library's
> interlibrary loan system and have been told that the article can not be
> found.  ...

Two clues:

1.) Search engines. I use Google first, with roughly 95%, Alta Vista second,
which covers most of the rest. I sometimes browse with Yahoo or Excite, but
find them inferior to Google for specific finds. Your mileage may vary.
Specifically, you will probably evolve a search taste and strategy that suit
your style and needs. But mine is a good place to start.

2.) Write to the authors or their institution. Most college departments have
a (small) budget for slinging out paper with their name on it; in the wrost
case they'll ask you for five or ten bucks. A polite note to Secretary,
Department of..., will work wonders.


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