EDTA in bacterial cultures

R. I. Mateles rmateles at candida.com
Tue Sep 14 16:27:47 EST 1999

I don't think EDTA is a "common food additive."  What is the basis for this

Rich Mateles


Candida Corporation
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Chicago, IL 60604

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rmateles at candida.com

Russell Farris <tryggvi at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:eng4dqg$#GA.209 at cpmsnbbsa02...
> Thanks, Lesley.  I'm interested in EDTA because Kazuyama et al. (1997)
> able to increase inclusion body-forming activity of Chlamydia
> pneumoniae10,000 fold by use of EDTA or trypsin. I'm interested in EDTA
> because it is a common
> food additive, and I wonder what effect it has on the growth of C.
> pneumoniae in the human body.
> Russell Farris

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