Outbreak! is available
Donald D. Bustamante
dbustama at nbif.org
Fri Sep 10 08:04:56 EST 1999
The National Biotechnology Information Facility is to pleased to
announce the availability of Outbreak!©. Outbreak!© is an interactive
teaching tool for use by students and science educators. Players must
use microbial identification techniques to identify the causative agent
of an illness outbreak. The game supports multiple scenarios, and is
highly graphical. Outbreak!© may be accessed via:
Donald D. Bustamante, Project Manager/Co-PI
National Biotechnology Information Facility
Box 30002, Dept. 3548
Las Cruces, New Mexico USA 88003
(505)-646-5031 FAX: (505)-522-9373
URL: http://www.nbif.org
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