Environmental engineering question

Lesley Robertson l.a.robertson at stm.tudelft.nl
Wed Sep 8 09:29:31 EST 1999

"Lee, Jeffrey" <Lee at essex.edu> wrote in message
news:E0B07E3B79E4D21180FA0090273DF16B210C3A at MAILSERVER-2...
> Hi:
> Has anyone out there built an in situ (in the ground) column reactor for
> biodegradation? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
> Jeff Lee

Any particular sort? Airlift, fluidized bed, fixed bed? They're all
different. For soil, etc, we've found Pachuca tanks most effective.
You might find something here - http://www.kluyver.stm.tudelft.nl/bptf.htm
Lesley Robertson

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