Name of bacteria

Michael Strohdeicher Michael.Strohdeicher at t-online.de
Tue Sep 7 16:56:22 EST 1999

Diego Bonatto - 219 schrieb:

>         Dear people,
>         I can not find the actual name and the phylogenetic position of
> these bacteria:
>         1) Gamphosphaeria
>         2) Chlorofrexeus
>         3) Chlorogloea
>         Any help is welcome!
>         Thanks
>         Diego Bonatto
>         diego at dna.cbiot.ufrgs.br
> ***********************************************************
> Diego Bonatto
> Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
> Centro de Biotecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
> Departamento de Biologia Celular e Molecular
> Brasil
> diego at dna.cbiot.ufrgs.br
> ***********************************************************


please have a look at the following web-site:


This site (species2000) has a very good dynamic species-list which is
frequently updated. In addition, you'll find a lot of good
microbiology-links at:


Good luck and best regards,

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