>I am doing a microbiology project on Streptococcus pyogenes. I was wondering
>how I can locate information concerning how to test for this microbe.
If you can locate a Medical or Clinical Microbiology reference, that will help
you. The ASM Manual of Clinical Microbiology is good. There are also texts by
Mahon, Koneman & many others. Schools with Medical Technology or Medical
Laboratory Technician programs should have these references in their library.
Also hospital laboratories.
I have this site bookmarked as an on-line lab manual. Maybe it will help too.
<snip>We finally finished our new lab manual and have it up on our
hospital's Web site:, then choose Laboratory Services
followed by Lab Test Information.<snip>
"It's a very ancient saying, but a true & honest thought, that if you become a
teacher, by your pupils you'll be taught." The King & I (Getting To Know You)
Karen Kiser MA MT(ASCP)
St. Louis, Mo.
kkiser6239 at aol.com