SV: Pronunciation of a word

Peter Noverini rdvarc at ameritech.net
Tue Oct 26 22:14:25 EST 1999

Yes, I heard a radio show ask once "If we have E coli, what about A coli, B
coli, C coli, and D coli?  *groan*
    - Pete

Jennifer Lynn Giel wrote in message ...
>: On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 10:44:59 GMT, James Ross Cooke
>: <ucbejrc at socrates-a.ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
>:>But everybody knows the difference between E coli and Email anyway so why
>:>you just say E coli?
>Sadly, not everyone does know the difference.  CNN once spelled it
>"e-coli."  [sigh...]

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