Short-term training course or workshop in plant molecular biology/ biotech. techniques required

badesida at cix.compulink.co.uk badesida at cix.compulink.co.uk
Sun Oct 24 16:26:56 EST 1999

I am seeking a short term intensive course concerned with modern hands-on 
practical aspects of plant molecular biology/biotechnology within the U.S. 
or U.K. I have a graduate and postgraduate background in Food & Industrial 
microbiology and molecular biology/biotechnology respectively, but have 
spent most of my career within the Food & Drink Industry as a Quality 
Assurance microbiologist/chemist and require the course to pursue a future 
career in plant molecular biology/biotechnology.

If you happen to offer or know of such a course, I would be most grateful 
if you would inform me of the details by return e-mail.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

With Best Regards,
Bolade A. Adesida
badesida at cix.compulink.co.uk


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