Washing E.coli cells/ osmotic pressure determination

John Percy Kerslake kerslake at sees.bangor.ac.uk
Fri Oct 15 07:26:20 EST 1999

We use 3 % mannitol for bacteria 5% for human cells. This works
better than NaCl. If you are using salt buffer then normal
phosphate buffered saline is better than NaCL (al least for our

Olivier wrote:
> We are currently washing E. coli cells with a water solution containing 9 g/
> l of NaCl. However, it seems that we have some cell lysis.
> I was wondering if it was an osmotic pressure problem? Do you know a simple
> methode to measure an osmotic pressure? Do you know if I must modify the
> concentration of NaCl that i'm using.
> Thank you for your help.
> --
> Olivier Favre-Bulle
> oliver.favre-bulle at wanadoo.fr

John Percy Kerslake B.Sc., F.B.I.S., kerslake at SEES.bangor.ac.uk
Web Page = http://www.sees.bangor.ac.uk/~kerslake/welcome.htm
Pager =07626-235878, Work =01248-351151 ext. 2730/3850,
Fax 01248-361429 Dyslexia rules K. O.

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