cultivation of Leuconostoc mesenteroides

Frederik Boernke boernke at nospam.ipk-gatersleben.de
Thu Oct 14 17:39:53 EST 1999


I'd would like to cultivate L. mesenteroides in order to prepare
DNA. I obtained some freeze-dried stuff from the DSMZ  which I 
plated onto acidic tomato medium. However, I can not observe any
growth after 24 h at 28 deg.. My textbook knowledge tells me that
those bugs do actually ferment, but should be aerotolerant. 
Any hints are appreciated.



Frederik Boernke
Research Group of  Molecular Plant Physiology
Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)
Corrensstr. 3
06466 Gatersleben
Tel.  039482 -5 321
Fax. 039482 -5 515

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