Streptococcus bovis

d-lis d-lis at imp.sosnowiec.pl
Mon Oct 11 08:45:37 EST 1999

According to Bergey' Bacteriology: "S. bovis is ocassionally encountered in
cases of human endocarditis".
Maybe it is important information for you.


DHeinrich <0593186525-0001 at t-online.de> napisa³(a) w wiadomoœci:
<37FE3877.14145E55 at t-online.de>...
>Is anyone experienced in nature, pathogenity, etiology of Strept.-bovis?
>Patient showed history of intestine infection with schistosoma mansoni
>some years ago and complains about ongoing unspecific problems, that
>could possibly be caused by cardiac affection in sense of mild and
>chronic endocarditis as well as neck-spondilitis (???) . Ongoing
>parasitic infection has been been excluded due to extensive serological
>tests. But certain values let think about chronic infection: high
>protein levels in serum and csf, high phagocytosis activity, high
>relations of NK-lymphocites, high lymphocite relations etc.
>Culture of wound swab from paining tonsil region now showes high
>concentrations of streptococcus bovis (var)- (Group D, nonenterococci)
>C; tonsil had been extirpeted as well as package of lymphnodes from same
>Is finding of Strept.-b. as mentioned above sign of normal habitat or
>is it more likely a sign of infection that could guide to cardiac or
>neurologic affections?
>Who can give additional advise?

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