Unreal site:
The "habitable zone" for terrestrial life is much broader than
previously thought. Examples of life at extreme conditions include:
Hottest: 113°C--Pyrococcus furiosus (Vulcano Island, Italy)
Coldest: -15°C--Crypotendolithotrophs (Antarctica)
Deepest: 2 miles (land)--bacteria found in rocks underground
Most acidic: <pH 0.0--unclassified organisms growing on gypsum in caves
Most basic: pH 11--Alkaliphilic bacteria
Highest radiation: 5 Mrads--Deinococcus radiodurans (ubiquitous)
Longest period in space: 6 years--Bacillus subtilis (Long Duration
Exposure Facility)
Farthest: Moon--Humans, Streptococcus mitus from Surveyor III camera
after 3 years unprotected on lunar surface
Longest dormancy: 20-40 million years--Bacillus revived from gut of
bee in 20-40-million-year-old Dominican amber
Deepest and Highest pressure: 1200 atm--cold seep community at bottom
of Marianas Trench
Saltiest: 30%--halophilic bacteria