Assistant/Associate Professor, tenure-track position in molecular
virology/gene therapy/viral pathogenesis available in Dept of Microbiology,
Arizona State University. This position is part of a commitment by ASU to
establish a well-recognized program in basic biomedical research. Required:
doctoral degree; two years of relevant post-doctoral experience; publication
record and teaching experience appropriate to rank; evidence of having
developed (Assoc Prof) or potential to develop (Asst Prof) a vigorous,
independent extramurally funded research program. Desired: research in
viral gene therapy or viral pathogenesis, using a molecular genetic
approach; demonstrated ability to interact with the Molecular and Cellular
Biology Program, with existing virology and immunology programs at ASU, and
with local biomedical research institututes; NIH funding (Assoc Prof) or
potential for NIH funding (Asst Prof). Responsibilities include
participation in teaching at graduate and undergraduate levels and direction
of graduate dissertation research. Competitive salary and start up package.
Send curriculum vitae, representative reprints, statement of research and
teaching interests, and names and addresses of three referees to: Virology
Search Committee, Dept of Microbiology, ASU, Tempe, AZ 85287-2701. Phone
480-965-1457, FAX 480-965-0098;
Review of applications will begin Dec. 15, 1999 and continue weekly
thereafter until position filled. AA/EOE
Edward Birge, Chair
Department of Microbiology
Arizona State University
Box 872701
Tempe AZ 85287-2701
Voice (602) 965-7292 FAX (602) 965-0098