Effect of disinfectants on bacterial growth

Bob Friedel rfriedel at perrittlab.com
Wed Oct 6 06:23:36 EST 1999

Some of these guys are prominent European microbiologists:

Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilisation,
3rd. ed, A.D. Russell, W.B. Hugo & G.A.J. Ayliffe, 1998

Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 6th ed., W.B. Hugo and A.D. Russell 1998.

Mechanisms of Action of Chemical Biocides:  Their Study and Exploitation,
S.P. Denyer & W.B. Hugo, 1990.

Handbook of Biocide and Preservative Use, H.W. Rossmore (ed.) 1994.

Robert R. Friedel
Quality Assurance Manager
Laboratory Research & Analysis Groups
Perritt Laboratories, Inc., USA
rfriedel at perrittlab.com

PEEBLESHS <peebleshs at aol.com> wrote in message
news:19991005091945.21801.00001010 at ng-fg1.aol.com...
> I am a sixth year pupil at Peebles High School in Scotland.  For my sixth
> studies Biology project I am investigating the effects of various
germicides on
> bacterial growth.  I am using E. coli. Staph. Albus and Micrococcus
Luteus.  I
> have chosen a phenolic containing disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide, bleach
> two surfactants - Dettox and a washing up liquid - as my germicide.  I
> like more information about how these work, particularly surfactants.
> does anionic, nonionic, cationic and amphoteric mean when applied to
> surfactants?  Are there any other types of surfactant?
> I am going to choose the most effective germicide and use different
> concentrations against the same bacteria to find the most effective.

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