Student List

Errol E.S.Kwan at massey.ac.nz
Thu Nov 18 20:42:12 EST 1999

I totally agree with you.  I my self am a Postgrad Microbiology
student, and if someone want's me to answer their homework I would be
more than happy to make them fail.

On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 08:49:50 -0500, "David Lloyd-Jones"
<icomm5 at netcom.ca> wrote:

>Mad Microbiologist <joanne.russell at ceid.ox.ac.uk> wrote
>> I also think that a student microbiology list  would be a very good
>> idea.
>I don't have any objection to students posting in the regular newsgroups.
>If they post "Duh, I want you to do my homework for me..." we can either
>tell them horrible lies or generally scorch their butts. If they show some
>evidence of initiative and of having done some work, people can cooperate
>with them and help them on their way.
>Both of these seem to me good mentoring -- which professionals should be
>engaged in.
>                                                       -dlj.

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