sulfate reducing bacteria biocides

ariel.finguerut at merconet.com.br ariel.finguerut at merconet.com.br
Thu Nov 18 18:04:41 EST 1999

Dear Colleagues:

Do you have any experience or references about efficacy of biocides against sulfate 
reducing bacteria in the petroleum industry and others?
I made a search on Pubmed and find nothing for desulfovibrio and biocides. There were 
only 6 articles for desulfovibrio and petroleum and none about biocides.
Would you please help me?
If possible reply to my office
jaime at copersucar.com.br

Thanks and regards


Ariel Finguerut 

Av. Dona Lidia 900 ap. 34 
Piracicaba - SP Brazil 

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