Fwd: Re: Student List

Yersinia yersinia at CYBERNEX.NET
Tue Nov 16 17:44:12 EST 1999

Dr. Latterich writes:

<If there is sufficient interest, I could set up a mailing list aimed at 
students specifically. If we can attract a few dozen members, we could 
attempt to create a bionet.microbiology.students or 
sci.microbiology.students newsgroup after some time. The newsgroup 
creation process historically needed about a hundred "yes" votes, so it 
would be better to start with a mailing list and then migrate over to 

What do you think?>

Sounds good to me. I've been on the "regular" list for about 3 years now. 
If you don't mind, I'd like to be on both lists. Not only am I still a 
student (yay! I'll be a senior when this semester is over!), I also work 
in the field of QC pharmaceutical microbiology. 

Yersinia<--still plugging desperately at that BA in Biology/Biotechnology

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