
mungedaddress ultra at tamu.edu
Thu Nov 11 13:44:56 EST 1999

In article <942327930.89269 at marvin>, bgommez at hotmail.com says...
>my thesis  goes about Campylobacter spp. in food.
>Related to this subject I would like some information:
> - A description of some methods to isolate and indicate Campylobacter spp.
> - The price of your products
> - The certificate-number
> - And others, if possible.
>I thank you in advance.
FWIW: Campy is fairly easy to work with.  Relatively easy to isolate.
I have my doubts about some of the conventional tests for differentiating
the Campy species, and I have some concerns about one or two of the commercial
products and their reliability. All in all though you should have little
trouble working with these beasts.

BTW, in initial identification... don't overlook the common Gram stain.
Campy decolorizes exceptionally well, should be counter stained with
Carbol Fuchsin, and has a characteristic appearance under the scope.

If you get typical campy looking colonies on a differential/selective 
plating agar, and if you get the right Gram stain and morphology, you
are dealing with Campy.  As for species, good luck.  

If you would like to communicate with me or some of my colleagues,
write  ziprin at ffsru.tamu.edu

We have a couple of campy projects, one of which involves isolating
the organism from live animals.  

We use a commercial enrichment broth based on Bolton's formula spiked with
antibiotics and Campy-Cephex agar (see papers by Stern) all incubated at
42 in 5% Oxygen, 10% carbon dioxide, remainder nitrogen.

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