Viruses of freshwater green algae

Dr. James Mon é jmone at MARAUDER.MILLERSV.EDU
Fri Nov 5 11:08:00 EST 1999

I recently began a project searching for lytic viruses of freshwater green
algae.  I have isolated four different genera of algae from a pond on
campus, and have them growing in a photoperiod and temperature controlled
chamber.  I have run several experiments in a plaque assay format similar to
the ones described for PBCV isolation, but have gotten no positive results. 
I have tried using spiral filters to concentrate 20 liters of water down to
100 mls, and used the concentrate as inocula, and still nothing.  Literature
searches have come up empty except for numerous articles on PBCV.  What is
going on here?  These viruses must be out there, ut why can't they be
demonstrated?  Any thoughts or suggestions??

Jay Mone
Millersville University, PA

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