Genetic Code

Vernon Drake vdrake at wgn.net
Tue Nov 2 14:44:32 EST 1999

My name is Vernon. This is not a response to Al, the person, whose
message was interesting. (Resistance gene for thermophile?) This is a
different sort of question.

I referring to a Could someone explain the numbers 5' and 3' in the
terminal sequence for a given strand of DNA? The two strands of the
Double Helix run in opposite direction 5' -> and 3->. DNA polymerase can
synthesize DNA in only the 5' - to - 3' direction  - resulting in the
("lagging strans") short stretches (5' -> and 3->) with gaps in between,
which will be filled by the action of DNA polymerase I and sealed with
ligase. What I think we're talking about is elongation down the chain,
relating to the ends (5' -> and 3->) the hydroxyl (binding)   or
nucleotides. I read that when a 5'- protected dinuclotide condensed with
a 3'- protected mononucleotide forms trinuclotide. This sycle of
condensation, specific removal from one end until the desired length is
synthesized. But I would like to get a better grip on the (5' -> and
3->) ends themselves. vdrake at wgn.net

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