Molecular systematics of Microorganisms Website

James McInerney james.o.mcinerney at may.ie
Tue Nov 2 10:12:53 EST 1999

(Apologies for corss-posting)

Dear all,

Martin Embley, Mark Wilkinson, Robert Hirt and myself have conspired to
create a website that can be used as a teaching resource for Molecular
Systematics.  This has come about principally as a result of our
teaching efforts in conjunction with the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil and The Natural History Museum, London.

This website contains lecture material, both as internet presentations
and as a downloadable (?) Microsoft Powerpoint file with 344 slides. 
There is also a rudimentary glossary of terms that are used in the area
of molecular systematics, a list of internet resources and some
information about the participants, organisers and teachers on these courses.

There is no restriction on the use of this material.  Please feel free
to download the slides and use the site as you wish.  We would
appreciate an email, though, just to say you have visited and taken
something away.  We can then keep you abreast of developments and additions.

The site is currently mounted on two servers, but will soon be available
as part of The Natural History Museum, London main website.  It is being
re-branded so that it is recognisable as a product of the work of the museum.

The sites are:



and choose the link for the molecular systematics course.

A portion of his course was also taught as part of this summers'
EMBO-funded Bioinformatics Course (Bioinformatics: From genome sequences
to protein structures) at Uppsala, Sweden:


The site will soon be available on The Natural History Museum server.

Please pass this email on to anybody that might conceivably be
interested.  If there are any problems, errors or ommissions please do
not hesitate to inform us.

Kindest regards,

             Dr. James O. McInerney,
Dept. Biology,                       Dept. Zoology,
Natl. Univ. Ireland,                 The Natural History Museum,
Maynooth,                  and       Cromwell road,
Co. Kildare, Ireland                 London SW7 5BD, UK.
Phone +353 1 708 3860                +44 171 938 9163
Fax   +353 1 708 3845                +44 171 938 9158
email james.o.mcinerney at may.ie       j.mcinerney at nhm.ac.uk

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