
Megan megan at ucla.edu
Mon Nov 1 18:18:42 EST 1999

isnt this sort of post better suited in the employment-offered newsgroup? i
see these job posting periodically here and in virology and a few others I
peruse, and I never understand why.

::shrugs and wanders off::

Carol McClelland wrote in message <381E11CD.1FF4 at arwen.uthscsa.edu>...
>A Post-Doctoral position is available for studying biofilm formation in
>Candida albicans. Projects include the establishment of biofilm models,
>determination of antifungal susceptibility of biofilm organisms, and
>analysis of gene expression during the course of biofilm formation.
>Biofilm experience in any microbial system will be an asset. Molecular
>experience or a strong background in yeast or fungal genetics/molecular
>biology will also be helpful, but is not required.
>The position is located at The University of Texas, Health Science
>Center at San Antonio and will involve a joint collaboration between the
>Departments of Medicine and Microbiology. The Health Science Center has
>one of the largest groups of internationally recognized mycologists
>working on human fungal pathogens and offers an excellent opportunity to
>enter the field of medical mycology. The city of San Antonio is one of
>the ten largest in the country yet is one of the most affordable to live
>in. Salary is highly competitive and starting date is anytime after Jan
>1, 2000.
>UTHSCSA is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
>Applications may be sent by mail, fax, or e-mail and must include the
>following: a detailed C.V. and contact information for three references.
>Send to:
>Brian Wickes, Ph.D.
>Dept. of Microbiology
>Mail Code 7850
>7703 Floyd Curl Dr.
>University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
>San Antonio, TX 78284-7758
>Fax (210) 567-6612
>e-mail wickes at uthscsa.edu

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