Uses of penicillin.

Zoran Zoran.Vranjican at bfm.hr
Fri May 28 18:21:33 EST 1999

Staphman <staphman at my-dejanews.com> wrote in message
news:7ign0s$jkh$1 at nnrp1.deja.com...
> Penicillin is still the drug of choice for the following infections:
> SyphillisGonorrhoea (provided the organism is not a penicillinase
> Tonsilitis and throat infections due to B-haemolytic streptococciPneumonia
> due to Str. pneumoniae (although penicillin resistant strains are on the
> increase)

and Neisseria meningitidis, most anaerobes, what else?

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