Uses of penicillin.

Staphman staphman at my-dejanews.com
Wed May 26 06:47:40 EST 1999

Penicillin is still the drug of choice for the following infections:
Gonorrhoea (provided the organism is not a penicillinase producer)
Tonsilitis and throat infections due to B-haemolytic streptococci
due to Str. pneumoniae (although penicillin resistant strains are on the

Staphylococcal and infections caused by Gram negative rods are
better treated with semi-synthetic penicillin derivatives (although this can
be a bit of a generalisation and antibiotic susceptibility testing should be
performed to determine sensitivity.
This list is by no means comprehensive
and text books should be consulted e.g. "Topley and Wilson's"

In article
<374AF9BB.94816F8A at home.com>,
	jc <jceb1 at home.com> wrote:
> Could anyone
here name all, or some, known infections or diseases, that
> are better cured
with straight penicillin, versus it's more
> sophisticated derivatives ? Tks
for taking the time. Know a site that 
> can help me ?

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