Stationary phase

David B. Hedrick davidbhedrick at icx.net
Sun May 23 03:37:23 EST 1999


	You could try the library.  Many of them are very helpful to people who
don't know how to find information. 
	For a classic, you could look for "Growth of the Bacterial Cell" by
Ingraham, Maalo/e, and Neidhardt, 1983.  

DKafkewitz wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a recent review on the molecular biological events that
> occur during the transition from the exponential to stationary phases of growth
> ?
> Thanks, David


Technical writing, literature search, and data analysis at the interface
of chemistry and biology. 

	davidbhedrick at icx.net

	David B. Hedrick
	P.O. Box 16082
	Knoxville, TN 37996

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