prevotella intermedia

Damian Bond damian.bond at virgin.net
Fri May 21 13:02:33 EST 1999

Fastidious Anaerobe Agar (FAA) from LAB M is designed to culture such
bacteria. Please e-mail me and let me know the country you are calling from
and I will look up the local contact details. Please send your details to
dbond at idgplc.com or use the e-mail address below.

Damian Bond

Eduard Post <E.post at biol.rug.nl> wrote in message
news:37432049.A60CF2DE at biol.rug.nl...
> I'm looking for a simply medium to culture Prevotella intermedia,
> Vagococcus fluvialis and Peptostreptococcus micros.
> who can help me?

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