PFGE again!

Annie Chamberland chambea at videotron.ca
Thu May 20 22:52:59 EST 1999


i read a article about PFGE with xanthomonas being digest with the XbaI
enzyme and they got lot of bands.
i dont have the equipement for PFGE so i try to digest DNA from 10 samples
of Xanthomonas with XbaI for 20 hours like the PFGE protocol and made a
normal agarose gel  but i didnt get any band. I also try DraI but got the
same results.
It work with other enzymes like BamHI and EcoRI  but i got  too many bands.
I want to know if its normal that my DNA wasnt digest with the enzyme XbaI ?
Does the PFGE have an effect on the digestion of DNA?
Hope someone can help!!!!
Thanks a lot!

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