Spores of Bacillus

Diego Bonatto - 219 diego at DNA.CBIOT.UFRGS.BR
Thu May 20 09:46:18 EST 1999

Hello people,

  I'm working with a Bacillus sp. isolated from soil. I'm trying to 
identified the endospore of it using the Schaeffer-Fulton technique 
for light microscopic staining of  endospore (green malachite for 10 
minutes and fucsine for 30 seconds). In resume I can not seen any 
endospore in microscopy using this protocol. Is this the best way 
to identify a endospore? I now that are methods more drastics, like 
to submit a culture of Bacillus at 80 degrees for 10 minutes and 
inoculate a culture media with these "cook" endospores. But I want 
a light microscopic staining method (I want to see an endospore 
inside the cell!!). If you know a method for staining endospore 
please send me a reply.
   Another question: are there good references for taxonomy of 
Bacillus? The Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology is 
very limited and I don't have the The Bergey's books of Systematic 
Bacteriology! Any reference is welcome, specially references that 
deal with fenotypic characters of Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus 
subtilis and methods for identification of these species of Bacillus.
   Diego Bonatto
   diego at dna.cbiot.ufrgs.br

Diego Bonatto
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Centro de Biotecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Departamento de Biologia Celular e Molecular

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