why is H. Pylori suddenly an issue?

wayne.conlan at nrc.ca wayne.conlan at nrc.ca
Wed May 19 15:29:21 EST 1999

His name is Barry Marshall.  he won a Lasker prize for his discovery,
and was recently made a FRS in the U.K. He's a likely contender for a
future Nobel.  He developed only an acute gastritis from his
self-experimentation.  Antibiotic therapy cures both H.p.-associated
peptic ulcer disease and malignancy so he has little to fear from his
unorthodox behaviour.



In article <v04003a00b3663db73b24@[]>,
  taylorpm at ARIEL.UCS.UNIMELB.EDU.AU (Paul Taylor) wrote:
> The really bizarre thing about the discovery of H.pylori being the
> causative agent of gatric ulcers was the length that the researchers
> Perth, Austalia went to. The absolute connection was made when the
> researcher (cant remember his name!) drank a culture of H.pylori and
> a week or two developed very painful, severe gastric ulcers. This was
> before the connection with Hpylori and stomach cancer was
> discovered.........bad idea!
> Paul
> >The organism had been noted in gastric biopsies many years ago but
> >microbiologists had been unable to culture it until a team of workers
> >Australia made this breakthrough.  Having been able to culture the
> >this led to its characterisation and thus to tests to allow its
detection and
> >prove conclusively its links with gastric ulcers.  The organism
> >unusually large amounts of urea and this is a major factor in the
> >diagnosis of the cause of gastric ulcers.
> >
> >Hope this helps
> >
> >Alistair Brown
> >article <7hmppo$feq at enews4.newsguy.com>,
> >  "Cameron Weighill" <cweighil at nanaimo.ark.com> wrote:
> >> It's probable been a source of ulcers for many years, though it had
not been
> >> diagnosed as a causative agent until 1980's.
> >>
> >> fp <uhoh_1999 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> >> news:7hkphr$fm0$1 at bgtnsc01.worldnet.att.net...
> >> > why only fairly recently has this cropped up as a cause of
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >
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> Paul Taylor
> Department of Microbiology and Immunology
> University of Melbourne
> Parkville   Victoria    3052
> p	+61 3 9344 5698
> f	+61 3 9347 1540
> e	taylorpm at ariel.unimelb.edu.au

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