Career in Microbiology

DAHD ultraviolet at tamu.edu
Mon May 17 09:31:47 EST 1999

In article <7hmmlq$gp3$1 at news8.svr.pol.co.uk>, 
max at apeface.freeserve.co.uk says...
>This is something that excites me greatly, a career in something that
>interests me. I do need to know what sort of careers there are out 
there for
>me in this field. can any of you lot help me?
>Max at apeface.freeserve.co.uk
I'd recommend that you consider reading the newsgroup
sci.research.careers  for awhile.

Microbiology is a great field to learn, and the subject matter is 
wonderful.  Employment opportunities are another matter.  

The employment situation in UK as I understand it is somewhat more 
difficult than in the US.

Primary employers of microbiologists = academic institutions, 
government, agriculture and food industry, hospitals, pharmaceutical

All of the above have relatively limited job opportunities or low
pay.  Science careers tend to be unstable.

Note too that the preparation for careers in each subfield may be 
different from each other.

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