16SrRNA database

Hemant Chikarmane hchikarmane at mediaone.net
Mon May 17 09:29:44 EST 1999

R. Jayakumar  <jakku at mrna.tn.nic.in> wrote:

>I heard that there is a website Maintained by Dr. Norma Payes, in the
>containing the 16SrRNA database of various Microorganisms.  Can anyone
>point  this website address out to me?

The Ribosomal Database Project is now at Michigan State University, East
Lansing.  The site is:


Includes prokaryotic and eukaryotic small subunit (16S/18S) and large
subunit (23S) rRNA sequence database for download/analysis, and
capabilities for online analysis.

BTW, it is Norman Pace, not Norma Payes.

Hemant Chikarmane
Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, MA 02543

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