Dr. Dietrich Mäde wrote in message <373732C4.748B0762 at knuut.de>...
>hallo out there
>>i need some help on the mpn method for counting microbes.
>>the problem however is that i have tables for 10fold and 4fold diluton
>series but i used a twofold dilution series in my special problem.
>>Try these references:
B. Jarvis (1989) Statistical aspects of the microbiological analysis of
foods. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Arthur L. Koch (1994) Growth measurement in Philipp Gerhardt et al. eds.
Methods for General and Molecular Bacteriology. American Society for
Microbiology. chapter 11 p. 248-277. Section 11.4 on pp. 257-260 deals
with MPN estimation.
Ian Jenson