most probable number

Alan Hochberg hochbeam at esvax-a1.email.dupont.com
Wed May 12 10:19:16 EST 1999

The "formulas" are actually equations that require iterative solution.  They
are covered in many references.  My favorite handy paper for MPN's with
dilutions other than 10 is:

 Hurley, MA & Roscoe, ME, Automated statistical analysis of microbial
enumeration by dilution series, Journal of Applied Bacteriology 1983, 55,
pp. 159-164 (1983).

It's got a simple BASIC program which you could run on a really old
computer, or convert to something newer.

Some other references are:

Koch, AL. Estimation of the Most Probable Number with a programmable pocket
calculator.  Applied & Environmental Microbiology 43, pp. 488-490 (1982)

Cochran, WG.  Estimation of Bacterial Density by means of the 'Most Probable
Number'.  Biometrics 6, 105-116 (1950)

Finally, the comprehensive one:

Halvorson, HO & Ziegler NR.  Application of statistics to problems in
bacteriology.  Journal of Bacteriology 25, 101-121 (1933).

Hope this helps,

Alan Hochberg
Qualicon, Inc.

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