Directory of Toll Fermentation & Cell Culture Facilities

Richard Mateles rmateles at candida.com
Sat May 8 12:39:45 EST 1999

Directory of Toll Fermentation and  Cell Culture Facilities,
     Third Edition

Where can we produce biopharmaceuticals for clinical trials?
How about large commercial quantities?
Where can we produce food ingredients?
Who can prepare and purify an rDNA product from mammalian cells?
Who can produce a bulk U.S.P. antibiotic? How about sterile filling?
Who has experience with streptomycetes?  Algae?

This Directory will help answer these questions and MORE!

For over 70 facilities in the U.S. and overseas--more than a dozen new

• Location, Address, Telephone and Facsimile Numbers, E-Mail
• Contact Person
• Capabilities
     Growth Facilities                Purification Systems
     Microorganisms & Cells   Downstream Processing
     Products                              Regulatory Status
• Cross-Indexed
• Includes Disk with Data Base and Searching Software

Mail this form (or fax to 312-431-1605) to: Candida Corporation, 175 W.
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Suite A-1706
Candida Corporation
175 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604
Tel:  (312) 431-1601
Fax: (312) 431-1605

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