Penicillin: A Paradigm for Biotechnology

Richard Mateles rmateles at candida.com
Sat May 8 12:42:01 EST 1999

Penicillin: A Paradigm for Biotechnology

Richard I. Mateles, Editor

Reprints The History of Penicillin Production, the classic publication of
the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, originally published in 1970
and long out-of-print.   It is updated by the inclusion of two new chapters
dealing with scientific advances in penicillin biochemistry, microbiology,
and genetics made since 1970; and the current commercial and industrial
status of penicillin and its derivatives.

This book tells the remarkable story of penicillin’s progress from a
laboratory curiosity to being the first antibiotic available for regular
use, and still a very important product today.  The contributors to this
book are the scientists and engineers who played the major role in that
enterprise, which has served as a model for fermentation development for the
last fifty years.

Among the penicillin program’s "firsts,"  which continue to be important in
biotechnology today, were:

    mutation and selection for microbial strain improvement
    scale-up of fermentors for aerobic processes
    countercurrent liquid-liquid extraction
    industrial-scale lyophilization of sterile pharmaceuticals

Published: December, 1998      xi + 114 pp.     ISBN 1-891545-01-9

To order a copy, mail this form (or fax to 312-431-1605) to: Candida
Corporation, Suite A-1706, 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604

*Shipping: U.S., $2 for 1 copy, $1 for each addl. copy.  Canada, Mexico and
Latin America, $5 for 1 copy, $2 for each addl. copy; Other Air Mail: $8 for
1 copy, $6 for each addl. copy.
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