World standard for ethanol

IanJ ijenson at bigpond.com
Fri May 7 07:18:49 EST 1999

In Australia 70% is commonly considered to be the most bactericidal. There
is no such thing as a 'world standard'. The International Standards
Organisation publishes standards on various subjects but I haven't seen one
on ethanol concentration for decontamination. You could check the ISO web
site, though

Ian Jenson
Sydney, Australia

Glenn Marsh wrote in message <371EA329.24E880B3 at rmit.edu.au>...
>Can some one help me, we currently use 70% ethanol for decontamination
>of bottles etc, however we have been told that the world standard is 80%
>and this is what we should use.
>Can anyone confirm this and refer us to a reference which states this

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