Dear DNATools user.
The latest revision of DNATools now includes multi-sequence alignment with Clustal W (1.74). The
Clustal program has been fully integrated into DNATools and can be accessed in the same way as other
project related functions. Just click to select the sequences in your project you want to align and
choose the output format.
The Find Repeat function has been redesigned and now returns the 10 largest largest repeats (direct
or inverted) found in the selected sequence.
The Build Contig alignment routine has been refined - but still only work on the basis of the
longest identical region between sub-sequences.
The Merge Overlapping Forward and Reverse sequences (mainly relevant for EST projects) has been
All SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) programs have been extensively tested and optimized.
Especially the link between EST and SAGE data has been extended with several options for generating
reports of matches between the two types of data.
The Help and Help Index files have been updated.
You can read more about DNATools (5.1.459) at:
download the new revision (5.1.459) at
and register your copy of DNATools at
Dr. scient. Søren W. Rasmussen
Carlsberg Laboratory, Department of Physiology
10 Gl. Carlsbergvej, DK-2500, Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone 45 3327 5230 / 45 3616 2259, Fax 45 3327 4766
E-mail swr at, Homepage