
francis_kuttner at hotmail.com francis_kuttner at hotmail.com
Sat May 1 18:01:08 EST 1999

dear people, i am a graduate student at tufts university and i am very much
interested in radiobiology and radition chemistry. currently i am looking for
a research laboratory that would be interested to accomodate me and sponsor
my research. i have narrowed my focus in radiobiology to apoptosis in mouse
lymphocytes. and i am wondering if any of you would comment on the possible
research questions that i have come across. please email me at
francis_kuttner at hotmail.com if you have any ideas concerning my research
topics or forward this post to anyone you know who is interested in hiring!
thanks in advance!!

1. normal mouse lymphocytes (thymocytes) show that normally, under unstressed
conditions, a large fraction  of the total lymphocyte population can be
identified as apoptotic cells.
2. cells showing large extents of apoptosis that are generally more
radiosensitive than cells showing smaller extents of apoptosis.
3. as dosage increases, the increase in percentage of apoptotic cells is
essentially the same in the neutron or photon irradiated cells.
4. there clear evidence of a G2 block after the 3 Gray doses.
5. it cannot be determined if there is a G1 block because the decrease in the
height of the G1 peak may simply reflect cells becoing apoptotic rather than
progressing into S phase.
6. there is clear evidence of a large Q cell population in the control cells.
7. the km for the dose response curves is about 45 rad for both curves.


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