>>> <server-daemon@dl.ac.uk> 03/31/99 01:14am >>>

S Rajan rajan at teri.res.in
Wed Mar 31 02:14:03 EST 1999

>>> <server-daemon at dl.ac.uk> 03/31/99 01:14am >>>
ashwin_k18 at my-dejanews.com writes:

> is it possible to prepare Nutrient media with inorganic gelling agents and if
>so please give me some examples. Agar is very expensive and not all labs
>can afford large quantities of it. Also agar is likely to influence growth of
>some microorganisms.

The good news is that other gelling agents are available.  The bad news
is that agar is about the cheapest one.  In addition, organisms exist
which can degrade all gelling buffers (although no one organisms of
which I am aware can degrade them all).  Starch, gellatin and "gel-rite"
can be used to make media.  If you can't afford agar, then it is time
to start filling out those grant applications!

it is disgusting to see such outrageous postings in response to queries that are genuinely asked for the purpose of
betterment in the strategies applied in research and sheer curiosity. How many of those who responded to the mail
saying "none exists" "stop doing research" and "look for grants..." had done their home work? You reply to answer
a query and not to unleash your ignorance. This is supposed to be news group and not an armchair chat room, we
hope see these verbal cacophony to stop.

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