Urgent Need For hIL-4 Sequence

Jinming Miao bhjmmiao at cityu.edu.hk
Mon Mar 29 10:38:22 EST 1999

TITLE     Complete nucleotide sequence of the chromosomal gene for human
IL-4 and its expression.  J. Immunol. 142 (1), 274-282 (1989)

>     HI....
>   I am urgently looking for the human interleukin-4 nucleotide
>  sequence.... or the ORF of it,,,,
>   Need it in 10 hours time!!
> I tried searching the Net.... but to no avail...
>   Can someone pls. kindly email the sequence to me?
>  Or kindly send me the internet address of the site that has the
>  direct info. for this sequence...
>  If you can email me the entire sequence directly... that will be most
>   helpful....
>     Thanks so very much...
>   Karen

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