Need advice on resolving bacteriophage mix

Dr. Duncan Clark Duncan at nospam.demon.co.uk
Mon Mar 8 12:32:53 EST 1999

In article <36E0451B.A7435F48 at sph.unc.edu>, John Scott Meschke
<jmeschke at sph.unc.edu> writes
>I am currently having a problem resolving a mixture of male-specific RNA
>coliphages from male-specific DNA coliphages.  I am interested in
>purifying the RNA phage.  I have tried to plaque purify (3 times in
>sequence), as well as plaque purifying using a composite antisera
>against prototype F+ DNA coliphages (again three times in sequence) with
>no luck. It seems to me that these techniques should have worked ( I
>would have bet that I would have better odds of winning the lottery than
>failing with both techniques).  Please give me any insight you may have
>regarding the persistence of this mix or anyway to resolve it.  Thank
>you very much in advance.
>Scott Meschke

Maybe passage through a host containing a type II restriction enzyme
system would eliminate the DNA phages. That is assuming that they have
one or more sites for the RE. 

The problem with being on the cutting edge is that you occasionally get 
sliced from time to time....

Duncan Clark
DNAmp Ltd.
Tel: +44(0)1252376288
FAX: +44(0)8701640382

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