laboratory label printing

Ripsheets ripsheets at aol.com
Fri Jul 30 00:15:23 EST 1999

We have been getting inquires from scientists at several universities for
custom labels on sheets that they can print on laser or inkjet printers from
our site http://www.rippedsheets.com. Materials needed are white poly with
permanent adhesive, white gloss paper with UL approved adhesive and optically
clear poly with permanent adhesive. We can diecut labels any shape or size and
label needs on 8.5X11" sheets have been from .938" square to custom label
shapes from a .ai or similar file.

Please contact us if you are trying yo print your own laser or inkjet labels
and need a small quantity of label sheets. There will be no die charge and you
can buy as little as 10 sheets to as many as 10,000+.

Thank you.

Steve Hall
ripsheets at aol.com

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