online auctions for used lab equipment

Mark Atlas mark at going-going-sold.com
Sat Jul 24 07:37:13 EST 1999

online auctions for used lab equipment
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Note recent price changes for opening bids. The sellers need to sell
equipment. Items are priced to move.
4. ISO-DATA 20/10 GAMMA COUNTER    $1,500.00
5. Beckman J-21C and JA21 Rotor    $1,500.00
8. Waters HPLC Photo diode array system    $3,500.00
6. Varian GC-MS with P&T    $9,300.00

All items are in good working condition. Sellers are wanting this
out of their facility. The Waters PDA system has  a 600E pump with 991
detector/computer and 700 wisp satellite autosampler. The pump alone is
worth the opening bids.

Also note that there are two great deals for GCMS
Shimadzu system virtually new for 15K Turbo pump has less then 1000hrs
The other system is a Varian Saturn 2000. Opening price has been reduce
35,000, an autosampler is available, This 2 yr old system is in pristine

condition and sells new for almost 100K with the sampler.

 - Recent Arrivals -
Opening Prices

1. Sorvall RC5C w/SS-34  Rotor( excellent cond.)    $11,700.00
2. Shimadzu QP-5000 ( 1996) GCMS    $15,000.00
3. Beckman UltraCentrifuge    $8,800.00
4. Sub Micro Gram Digital Scale    $900.00
5. Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption    $12,000.00
7. Evaporation Unit    $500.00
8. Micron Microtome    $1,800.00
9. Shimadzu GC w/ Dual TCD detectors    $800.00
10. Sigma 300 GC    $250.00
11. Lambda 3b UV/VIS     $1,200.00
12. 1330 Infrared Spectrophotometer    $600.00
13. Varian Saturn 2000/3400GC    $35,000.00
14. Centrifugal Analyzer    $5,500.00
15. FTIR Spectrometer    $6,900.00
16. Waters HPLC System w/ Millenium    $25,500.00

Sale Closing : 7/23/99
Opening Prices

1. Leica Microscope    $1,500.00
2. Beckman Gamma Counter    $2,750.00
3. (New)Zeiss Stemi 1000 stereomicroscope    $1,750.00
4. (new) Leica ATC 2000 full phase microscope    $2,700.00
5. HP 5890 A with FID/Integrator 7673A autosampler    $6,000.00
6. Blecha 120 environmental chamber    $4,200.00
7.  PE Autosystem with dual ECD and autosampler    $7,000.00
8. Phase contrast Microscope w/camera    $4,750.00
9. Shimadzu QP-5000 ( 1996) GCMS    $15,000.00
10. Beckman UltraCentrifuge    $8,800.00
11. Coulter EPICS Profile II    $1,500.00
12. SPECTROPHOTOMETER    $1,900.00
13. Micron Microtome    $1,800.00

Sale Closing : 7/28/99
Opening Prices

1. Varian Spectra 10 Plus  Atomic Absorbtion Flame and Furnace
2. (New)Bright Field Microscope (PLAN)    $2,950.00
3. Coulter Counter model STKS    $3,950.00
4. ISO-DATA 20/10 GAMMA COUNTER    $1,500.00
5. Beckman J-21C and JA21 Rotor    $1,500.00
6. Diode Array UV/VIS Spectrometer    $6,200.00
7. Air Cooled Chiller/heaters for mixers and fermentors    $4,500.00
8. Waters HPLC Photo diode array system    $3,500.00
9. Micro96 cell Harvester( Almost new)    $6,000.00
10. IR Plan Advantage  infrared microscope    $14,000.00
11. Evaporation Unit    $500.00
12. Sigma 300 GC    $250.00
13. Lambda 3b UV/VIS     $1,200.00
14. FTIR Spectrometer    $6,900.00

Sale Closing : 7/30/99
Opening Prices

1. Beckman DU-7    $3,500.00
2. HP 5890 GC    $8,700.00
3. Varian  Saturn 1 GCMS    $13,000.00
4. Water Jacketed Co2 Dual Stacked Incubator    $2,750.00
6. Varian GC-MS with P&T    $9,300.00
7. Waters Gradient HPLC    $16,500.00
8. Protein/Peptide Sequencer 477A/PTH Analyzer 120A    $8,000.00
9. Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption    $12,000.00
10. 1330 Infrared Spectrophotometer    $600.00
11. Varian Saturn 2000/3400GC    $35,000.00
12. Centrifugal Analyzer    $5,500.00
13. Waters HPLC System w/ Millenium    $25,500.00

Sale Closing : 8/4/99
Opening Prices

1. Waters 680 Automated Gradient Controller for HPLC    $1,460.00
2. Zymark SPE System    $14,000.00
3. Quaternary HPLC w/ Data System    $20,500.00
5. Fisons MD-800 GCMS    $24,000.00
6. UV/Vis Spectrometer and PC controller    $6,000.00
7. 600L BioLafitte Fermenter w/ Analog Control Package    $17,000.00
8. Tensometer    $15,000.00
9. BioCAD Perfusion Chromatography System, 1994, upgraded 60ml heads

(c) 1997, Internet Auctioneers International

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