I'm not sure I understand your question.
What I think you want to know is how to determine if salmonellae
that have been ingested have been killed.
If so, there are some stain/dye procedures. THe macs are given an
opportunity to ingest the organism; then stained with (I don't recall
the specific reagent). Uner flourescent light you can distinguish
between the live and dead ingested bacteria.
Wish I could find the reference for you-- we have done it in our lab.
But, right now it just escapes my memory.
In article <37964748.ABE2E6CA at vet.uu.nl>, Y.zhao at vet.uu.nl says...
>>Anyone could please provide me an idea of a easy way to determine
>invaded salmonella bacteria in
>macrophage cells which could be killed by macrophages easily and
>>Amos Zhao
>>Institute of Infactouse Disease and Immunology
>School of Veterinary Science
>Utrecht University, The Netherlands
>email: Y.zhao at vet.uu.nl>