Confused, Unhappy, Yet Enthusiastic Students!!! (please help them define their carrier).

Lesley Robertson l.a.robertson at stm.tudelft.nl
Fri Jul 23 03:54:43 EST 1999

"Dr.Abhay Shendye" <abt at PN3.VSNL.NET.IN> wrote in message
news:37981761.62D8FF45 at pn3.vsnl.net.in...
> Additionally I would also like to obtain PC ( Windows 95) based
> educational software's that can be used for better understanding of
> basic microbial  concepts / facts or sophisticated techniques/
> experiments. These are to be used for educational purpose only. Any such
> material / addresses of the sources are welcome.

 Your students might enjoy Murray the Microbe on

The site also provides a demo, and sells full copies, of software to
simulate bacterial growth which I've used at Open Days, etc.
Lesley Robertson

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