Posting for "Position Wanted"

Dr. Reena Ramesh reena_ramesh at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 21 02:06:32 EST 1999

I am a recent doctorate in Biochemistry from Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India. Presently I am working as a Research Associate at the
Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune, Pune, India. I am looking for
a suitable postdoctoral position in the area of fungal biochemistry. My
Ph.D. work focussed on the role of calmodulin mediated regulatory
mechanisms in growth and development of Neurospora crassa, with specific
reference to the role of calmodulin dependent protein phosphorylation
during initial development events in growth of the filamentous fungus.
I can be contacted at the following address: reena at bioinfo.ernet.in

Thanking you in advance,

With regards,

G.Reena Ramesh

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